Synced Depo Video Help
Please access this webpage from a Microsoft Windows 10 or better computer
Please feel free to call LVS at any point.
1. Download & Install DepoView - (PC Only) Window 10 or better.
2. Download and unzip your synced depo video
1. Click the dropbox link in your email
2. If you DropBox link says, "FILE TOO BIG" or something to that effect,
look for the "Download" button.
It's probably small and just beneath it the "FILE TOO BIG" error message.
3. In the folder that resulted after unzipping, double click autorun.exe ---
1. If your file extensions are hidden, that is a setting.
2. In lieu of changing that setting, double click the first autorun.
3. If that gives you an error, exit out of the error window
4. double click the other autorun.
5. If Depoview is installed and your IT has given it permission to run it should pop right open.